Komm ins Handeln 🤟💪👍

Komm ins Handeln 🤟💪👍

Es ist doch immer so oder zumindest passiert mir das öfters. Neulich wollte ich noch mein "Financle Freedom Char", also jener Bot, der investiert wenn er voll ist, in HIVE…

0.73951450 BEE
Unwinding Together

Unwinding Together

What are the activities you love engaging with whenever you are set to unwind? Maybe I can add that to mine, but before then, I will share with you the fun and engaging…

0.47624072 BEE
The Talkative

The Talkative

Over time, I have learned some life ethics that weren't part of me before, and I have realized that the older we get, the more exposed we are.  I have been someone who fancied…

0.56204724 BEE
Remembering What Matters

Remembering What Matters

Time passes by so easily that we sometimes don't notice how far time has gone due to the many activities we indulge in on a daily basis, and when such happens, when we reflect on…

0.32030153 BEE